A Gift for Your Hard to
Buy For Friend or Family Member
… A Canada Flag Subscription

Buy For Friend or Family Member
… A Canada Flag Subscription
The Ro
tary Club of Camrose Daybreak has been placing Canada flags on lawns in Camrose to celebrate Victoria Day, Canada Day and Labour Day for many years. The flags provide a colourful display and many residents enjoy seeing the flags as they travel throughout the city. You can see some of the over 180 flags we deploy at http://CamroseDaybreakRotary.org.

For only $60 before December 31, 2023, you can subscribe to have a flag placed on a friend’s or family member’s lawn in Camrose for the 2024 holidays. We will acknowledge your gift by sending a Welcome Card on your behalf.
Proceeds from the Canada Flag subscriptions provide funding to the 644 Camrose Rotary Air Cadet Squadron and other youth initiatives in the area.
MAY 15 - 22, JUNE 26 - JULY 3, and AUGUST 28 - SEPT 4
MAY 15 - 22, JUNE 26 - JULY 3, and AUGUST 28 - SEPT 4
____Yes! Please Gift a Canada Flag Project Subscription for 2024.
Online Registration http://www.CamroseRotary.com/flag-subscription-form.html
Provide your name and contact information. The special delivery instructions need to include Gift Subscription, name and address of gift recipient and method of payment if not done on the above site.
Payment by PayPal, VISA, Mastercard: is available on the above site.
Provide your name and contact information. The special delivery instructions need to include Gift Subscription, name and address of gift recipient and method of payment if not done on the above site.
Payment by PayPal, VISA, Mastercard: is available on the above site.
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Mail-in or Pick-up Registration
Your Name ________________________________________ Phone # ________________
Gift Recipient Name ___________________________________ Phone # __________________
Delivery Address __________________________________ Your Email _________________________
Payment Options
____ Mail registration and payment to Rotary Club of Camrose Daybreak, Box 1515 Camrose AB T4V 1X4
____ Email CamroseDaybreak@gmail.com to have us pick up your Gift Subscription in Camrose
____ I have sent an e-Transfer of $60 to CamroseDaybreakTreasurer@gmail.com
____ I made my payment on http://www.CamroseRotary.com
Thank you for your support!
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